Monday, June 7, 2010

Pub Crawling on Bikes

Saturday to celebrate Holly's annual 21st birthday she got everyone together to do a Long beach pub crawl on bikes.
Everyone met at about noon and had some pizza and drinks. I showed up a little bit afterwards just in time to watch Holly open her gifts.
everyone hung out and socialized while we waited fora few stragglers
Holly, Kristie and Jessica..aka The power puff girls
Mark and I are missing from this photo. We were taking the pictures.
First Bar stop!
I think Holly got a drink and a shot at every bar we went to. Besides the cocktails she had st home already here is her first official bar stop cocktails and Jaegger Blahhh
Gabe's first beer of the day
Holly was so happy to find another cherry at the bottom of her drink.
This is our group behind me was a few more bikes. I think there was 14 bikes all together.
I think this is right before Holly drove off the pathway and into the sand.
Stop Number 2!!
A whiskey shot and Pabst! she also got a spanking from some ol geezer sitting at the bar.
Sean, Holly and I ....I am pretty beaten up by this point from riding up hill on my bike in the hot sun after drinking vodka cranberries.
Got a little color
These crazy guys
3rd stop!!..Fern's..Love their jukebox here. Inside I didn't take pictures cause Julia and myself had a pretty bad excuse for a game of pool and then I just got caught up chatting with everyone... The 4Th Stop was the Pike in Long Beach but at that Point I went home to relieve my babysitter who had plans so I went home and relaxed on my nice cool bed for awhile and waited till the group got back to Holly's for her bday BBQ party
After awhile the kids and I went over to Chris and Holly's place where just Arnold and Chris were there and Chris was grilling away. Everyone else soon showed up and the party began. Everyone was drinking and eating. I didn't drink at the party only water to re hydrate from the hot afternoon of riding bikes. What a work out I got!
Party was getting a little crazy. Everyone here was taking shots of Vodka. The shot glasses are made out of ice. Not too sure who is doing the hand gesture but my guess is it's a female's hand...
Ally made Holly Chocolate cupcakes with fresh strawberry filling and a whipped cream frosting.
Party people at this point I just took a few quick shots of the crowd and took the kids home to go to bed. As you can see Ava in the back ground in Gabes arms she was ready for bed.
I think this was Maria's second round of Vodka in a Ice shot glass.
It was time for me to go to bed I was spent. What a fun party though! I love Long Beach and I love that everyone is so close by.

1 comment:

Thelma said...

how fun! aww man I can't handle shots though. just talking about it I feel hungover!