So over the week Thelma and I been talking about getting together this past Friday. We were talking about having a drink somewhere that has a nice lounge area to catch up since it's been awhile since the two of us hung out and Thelma suggested we check out Tantalum which we both have heard about the place but neither of us been there.
Thelma was to meet me at my place at 6 and we were going to try and head up there by Happy hour but we missed it by a hair. Throughout the day we were chatting about Tantalum and Toni came to join us and Arnold as well for a drink.
The bar was really cool over looking the harbor so we could see boats with their holiday lights decorated them as they Cruise through out the harbor.
Thelma and I were intrigued to try the Asian Pear Martini..It was soo tasty.

Toni started off with a HEF!


The joint is really dim inside and the only lighting at the bar was the lights under the table. We thought it looked really cool the glasses atop the bar so we had to take pictures.

The bartender offered to take our picture....I hate this picture..I have the deer in Headlights stare

For the second drink Thelma ordered the Pink was a bubblegum flavored martini served with a lollipop garnish. It was good..Arnold got us all a round of those as well.

My second drink was the Tahitian Moon. It was a beautiful drink with a purple Orchid floating on it. It tasted like Hawaiian Punch with a swift kick in the arse!

Line up them cocktails Gals...

Another shot of us...I really like this shot

Thelma and I were chatting outside in the little secret walk way looking entrance to this place. We had some strangers take this picture of us.
We did not stay that long..only for a couple of drinks. Toni's boyfriend Scott showed up and he had a beer. Thelma and I were ready to split so we all left. Afterwards Thelma Hung out with me and had a glass of wine at my place and we exchanged Christmas gifts. She got me a Really awesome compact and a really cool Glass Pink Elephant bottle stopper.
It was good catching up. I can't wait to go back to this restaurant and have dinner. The food smelled great!
1 comment:
WOW the pictures came out so damn NICE!
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