So Christmas was very nice for us this year. It started off early early in the morning with the kids coming in our bed to show us what they got in their stockings and then waking us up to see what Santa left us! We come into a room with a empty plate where the cookies were left and beautiful Gold gifts!!

Santa got Parker another Godzilla toy for his collection that he has been asking for

Ava was still enjoying her Stocking goodies of cheese and crackers and all kinds of toys that twinkle and make all different noises

Ava got a Singing pink rocking horse too that has a WAY to catching tune...I think Mom and Dad and uncle Alex were singing it all Christmas day. Ava also got a cute Pink Tricycle that looks like a scooter. We didn't asse,ble it yet cause it just looks to big for her still. I think her rocking horse will do just fine!

I got a Wii for Christmas!! Gonna loose a lot of weight hopefully with the Wii Fit!!!

Since Parker had almost a perfect report card he got something a little extra electric Razor Scooter..(.it goes WAY faster then expected)

Gabe Clause

I don't know what people must have thought seeing a Skateboarding Santa Clause early in the morning

After I got the kids bathed and dressed...soon arriving was the rest of the last picture of my dying Christmas tree (which we threw out the next day)

Don't know what it is with Kids and Boxes.

Little Alexis opening her present and Parker waiting for another one.

Logan had enough with wearing he took them off...

My brother loves Egg Nog..He likes booze too....So why not both?

My brothers Girlfriend Jessica got some good gifts too.

Gabe got lots of Ben Sherman Sweaters, Fred Perry's and new Vans and much more..he was happy

Grandpa helping Ava open her gifts..she was in to it for about 10 minutes then she could care less about opening presents...

She rather just play with her cousins

My mom and my brothers Ex Jessica..they got some good stuff too.

My dad and his uncle and my brother...I should have gotten Parker and Logan in this picture.

After we opened presents, we had some drinks and cookies and dinner and sat around awhile and talked and played with our new gifts. I got some great a Wii and some wii games, a diamond necklace from the hubby, money, tons of accessories, clothes, books and some other cool items.
Once after most of the family went home and the kids went to bed we had to get the wii hooked up. My brother and Jess stayed and hung out with us and then some of our friends came over later after they were back home from celebrating with their families. We all did a gift exchange and drank Egg Nog and brandy.
We all played some boxing and bowling and tennis on the's a good work out...Gabe and my brother were really crazy with the boxing.

It was a very nice Christmas.
These pics are great! I love skateboarding Santa...only in So Cal! Your dad looks great and the kids are so cute!!! Glad to hear Parker got all A's on his report card. It looks like you guys are so happy. Whenever I see these posts of yours I can't believe you are the same girl I met 15 years ago that loved to party and hang out! I know you are still that same girl but now you are a wife and momma...I guess we all have to grow up sometime....I think I will put it off for a little while longer. Glad you had a great Holiday!
Looks like fun! Glad you got your Wii!
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