Saturday, July 4, 2009

Cafe Bleu Reunion 2009

The Cafe Bleu Reunion was so much fun last night. They had some awesome Old Pix's and Videos from back in the day. There was tons of photos of Amy and my cousin Amber (whom both were not there) and tons of myself too. Some REALLY cool photos. I saw SOME old faces but there was quite a bit that I did not see. All in all it was such a fun time dancing to old brit pop and 60's and Soul. The drinks were pretty cheap. I had to order Cape Cods all night just like I used to. There was a few people I saw that I did not get photos of such as Piper,Shalice,and Scarlett..I will see them again soo are some of the faces I saw

Self Shot of myself before we left
My head forward shot since I did not do it earlier
Gabe at the club..
Vic the dancing machine..I love this guy!
Rob and was so good seeing them
Mike B. He was not around during the cafe Bleu days
Myself and Anthony
Gabe with Jeff
Alex and Myself -we had a nice chat about when his band played the Battle of the Bands at Beatle Fest and they came in 2nd..Total rip-off they should have came in first!!
Rich and Vic dancing away on stage
Dorain and his Tv175
There was a crowd in the Club Underground thing upstairs,A crowd outside for the HTDJ's outside and Downstairs was the CAFE BLEU thing..this is a shot of the CAFE Bleu room.
I always remember when Vic would dance he was infamous for the clapping of the hands and the finger pointing! Which he did both last night.
Dia's dress was so awesome!!
Me and Jade Mike and Anthony. Funny thing is I remember calling Mike the smelly guy as bad as it sounds we called him that because he always smelled SO GOOD.
Now it's a reunion..Plucky is in the house!!
More Peeps and photos of randomness
I have no idea what Gabe was doing here
Funny thing Tommy works right next door to me
The night went quickly. A bunch of peeps went to an after party but we just wanted to get home to our kids. We waved everyone goodbye though as the continued to party the night away...I hope to see more people the next one!


Amy, David, Cambria, and Baylen said...

awww, MAN! Plucky, smelly guy, anothony, Rob and steve ( are they still connected at the hip? haha ) Jade, RICH? wow soooooo many people I haven't seen in FOREVER!!!! WOW!!

Retro Mom said...

It was a BLAST! I hear it may happen one you HALF to go they had sooooo many pictures of you on the projection through out the club!